Smadav 2017 Rev. 11.7 :
+ Main detection technology now using heuristic & whitelisting (file reputation),
+ Improvement in USB anti-exe protection,
+ Improvement in cleaning from Ground/Paint virus,
+ Improvement in sending statistics for Smadav development.
Smadav 2017 Rev. 11.0 - 11.6 :
+ Sending usage of statistics to help improvement of Smadav,
Adding new Anti-Ransomware settings to protect PC from Ransomware
(malware that holds your PC hostage : Cerber 3, Cerber 4, WannaCry 1,
Wanna-Cry 2.0, etc.),
+ Adding new feature (USB Anti-Exe) to block unknown programs in USB Flashdisk,
+ Faster Scanning and Lower CPU resource usage,
+ Fixing program bugs and false detection,
+ Changes in feature differences between Free and Pro version.
+ Adding new virus blacklist database.
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